Multi-Bearing Flush Trim Bit

Multi-Bearing Flush Trim Bit
Item Number: 01022
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Detailed Description

Sommerfeld's NEW Multi-Bearing Flush Trim Bits allow for quick and easy setup whether the template is on top or the bottom.

Sommerfeld's New Multi-Bearing Flush Trim bits allow you to quickly and easily flip your work piece to put the template on the top or bottom. This allows you to cut with the grain on each pass yielding a smoother, cleaner cut every time.

Simply raise or lower the bit in table to quickly adjust your workpiece. This is especially useful when cutting curves which run both with and against the grain.

Cut from either direction using one template and without moving the template to the other side of the work piece.

The down-shear design helps to elimiate tear-out with less vibration. Best used in a router table where template is visible to bearing.